Monday, October 31, 2011

The perfect location!

Well I have discovered the perfect location for my dream June Wedding!!! I am so excited, I've been looking for sometime now for the absolute perfect location for it. I just couldn't seem to settle on anything until I remembered going to a wedding like 4 years or so ago at this beautiful mill. It is actually over a hundred years old and the history is pretty cool. I just hope the price doesn't break the bank.

We have also decided on a date. June 20, 2012! Im super stoked! And I just realized that, that day is my granny's birthday.. Although she left this earth almost 12 years ago. Tommy and I burnt rubber and got the hell out of Tennessee 2 years ago on that day.. Well now it's almost 3 years ago.. or at least will be the day we get married!!!!!

Tommy and I's relationship has down leaps and bounds better in the last 3 months than it has done in awhile. We are communicating and listening to one another more.. I wouldn't necessarily say better but most def. more than we have in a long time.

The kids are excited that today is Halloween!!! They woke up ready to go trick or treating.. Sean doesn't get to celebrate at school but Silas does! Sean is goint to be a Vampire and Silas is going to be a bat.. My mom made the boys' costumes this year, which is something I was ecstatic about! My mom used to make mine and jake's costumes when we were little.. it's much cheaper..

Okay well I got to get back to school work!


Monday, October 24, 2011

Another day Another dollar

So.. Today is October 24, 2011~~~

I am at school today, probably should be working on my classes, or at least the one I am in, but I'm so irritated with this fucking school! They just continue to screw me, and I'm sick of it. I am looking in to other schools and what would ultimately be better for me and my family, but I can't seem to get through to any other school. Namely (Bethel). I would much rather be attending a Universty then a Junior college, or now what is an Institution! I have been in college since May of 2006 and I have a 2 year degree to show for it. How sad?! I think it is incredibly sad that I don't even use the damn degree except decoration on my entertainment center.. Im proud I finally finished it, but I'm disappointed that I didn't apply myself.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Waiting.. Waiting... Waiting

As the days drag on.. they seem so short in retrospect.. Im sitting here suppose to be doing Word Expert Homework but I just can't seemed to stay focused... I'm still hung up on what happened this morning.. I hate leaving when Tommy and I are in an argument, because it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.. As much as I want to just get over it, I can't help but still think about how much he overreacted this morning.. It is just ridiculous.. that i can't focus in school because Tommy can really be a jerk sometimes..

So now, I am kicking myself in the ass because I should be working on homework but I cannot get into it.. I just stare at the book and let my mind wonder around, I know I am out of cigarettes and I have to go buy some more at break... but I just want to go do it now! this is ridiculous!

The Wedding of my Nightmares!

So in case you didn't know, Tommy and I are getting married on Decemeber 17, 2011. At first it was suppose to be let's get married in a quick easy ceremony and later on we'll have the wedding of my dreams... but i feel like i won't get the wedding of my dreams if i don't try to make it happen now. I want the dress, the people, the food, the tradition. Tommy just complains that this isn't what we agreed on, and I just keep saying that this is what i want and that i am going to pull it off for me. This day is suppose to be special and memorable.. and if it's not memorable then why even get married at all.. This day is suppose to be about Tommy and I commiting in front of our friends and family to each other.. to show how much we love one another and that we want to spend the rest of our lives side by side....

Not to my suprise, Tommy is resisting every aspect of helping me plan this wedding.. I guess he is just going to show up the day of the wedding and I will do everything else... pretty much the ususal... I do it all and he sits back and watches me...

I do have to say that Tommy has stepped up and far as being a more active memeber in this relationship in the aspect of helping me more in taking care of the kids.. I do believe that he does more around the house because his parents would lecture him to the point of him wishing they would slaughter him cause that would be easier. (Side note: Living with Tim and Patty isn't always sunshine and roses, but they do give us our privacy and don't medal to much into our business)

Although this morning i felt like tommy shouldn't have gone downstairs and told his dad what we were fighting about... because i don't feel like it is any of his business!!!! I feel like Tim should worry about what is going on in his own marriage and stop worrying about Tommy and my's family! I understand we live under your roof, but we choose to parent in our own fashion and do not need your input. I thought I made it pretty clear to everyone that Sean and Silas are my children and I will raise them, the way I want them raised! If I want to make my children spoiled rotten lil shits then that is what i will do. (side note: I don't want spoiled rotten lil shits!)

You know Tommy finds a way to pick at me, and catches me when i can't say anything that would embarass me. Like this morning we get in a fight over punishing Sean... and it wasn't even a fight about Sean's punishment, it was about me stepping in to get Sean to stop crying so he could hear his punishment!!!!! So I leave after Tommy makes too many smartass comments!!! Then he wants to call to lecture me... uh... no way.. well i had to stop for gas,,, i tell him i can't talk to you right now im in a store and i will not be discussing this! But nope he keeps on going and forcing me to stay quiet the whole time! grrrrrr then someone in the store is talking to me and tommy starts yelling at me about the person talking to me... about why are you in the store... i thought you already paid for your gas.. why is anyone talking to you... blah blah blah

I just hate the lectures... trust me if i wasn't in a store I would have started in on him too but I do not want to embarass myself in front of perfect strangers! Bottom line this wedding is turning into a nightmare!!!! I just want my perfect day and perfect dresss... blah blah blah.... I just have to pull this off.. ....
